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Australia Post, Orange | 53rd International Design Competition Winner
Tiffany & Co., New York, New York, Class of 2023 Store of the Year | 53rd International Design Competition
Petco, San Marcos | 52nd International Design Competition Winner
Miller & Lux, San Francisco | 52nd International Design Competition Winner
High Street Place, Boston | 52nd International Design Competition Winner
El Palacio de Hierro Coyoacán, Coyoacán | 52nd International Design Competition Winner
VUORI, New York City | 52nd International Design Competition Winner
Sage + Sound, New York City | 52nd International Design Competition Winner
American Outpost, Clermont, Kentucky, Class of 2022 Store of the Year
Wilson, New York City | 51st International Design Competition Winner
St. Marche, São Paulo | 51st International Design Competition Winner
Todd Snyder, New York City | 51st International Design Competition Winner
PUMA, New York City | 51st International Design Competition Winner
NHL, New York City | 51st International Design Competition Winner
Madison Décor Studio, North York | 51st International Design Competition Winner
MAPCO, Sevierville, Tenn. | 51st International Design Competition Winner
M&M’s, Berlin | 51st International Design Competition Winner
Johnnie Walker, Edinburgh | 51st International Design Competition Winner
The Hyundai, Seoul | 51st International Design Competition Winner
House of Rituals, Amsterdam | 51st International Design Competition Winner
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